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Top 10 hacks to be a Bad developer

Top 10 hacks to be a BAD developer

  1. Code first, design later.

  2. If people can't understand your code, they are not smart enough

  3. Never write unit tests and when you are forced to write them, write short and easy ones

  4. The only job of test coverage is to please engineering managers

  5. Take all suggestions in code reviews personally

  6. Always avoid documentation. Only work on it long after your project is complete.

  7. Logging, Metrics & Alerts are just there to add more story points. Your code is always reliable.

  8. Just get things to work once and push them to production quickly. Never actively monitor your changes in production.

  9. Don't read software documentation, only rely on internet blogs

  10. Never think about the end user, you are an engineer not a product freak

Of course, above is meant for what you should not do at you job.

Credits : Shivam Gupta