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MockForce Interview Questions

Round 1 : DS/Algo

1. Write a function that takes a string with alphabets a-z and A-Z as input. 
Return true if it is a palindrome. Else return false.
You cannot modify the input string or generate any extra copies of the string. 
You cannot use standard library / inbuilt function for reversing etc. 
Discuss on Time Complexity and Space complexity.

2. Write a function to find longest possible palindrome sub-string in a given string. 
Also, return the index of 1st character of this sub-string.
Discuss on Time Complexity.

Round 2 : System Design

Consider you are part of Twitter, and you have been asked to design a system for scheduling Tweets.
The Schedule interval can be from 1 hour to 1 week.
The tweet shall be published within +/- 10 mins of Scheduled time.
Special case - burst events like new year and independence day, wherein number of tweets scheduled may go up multi-fold as again BAU scenario.