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InMobi Interview Questions

Glance / InMobi

Round 1

There is a streaming service called Show-Stream ( like Netflix, Disney etc) that has customers spread over the globe.
Show- Stream does not have a data warehouse in place.
Design the pipeline to ingest the data from json events residing in S3 and build a Data Warehouse.
How will you go about it? How do you go about deciding the tech stack?

Source S3://showstrteam/rawEvents/<date>/<hr>/file_n.json ( multiple events in one file, 100 such files)

What are these events ?
These events are all actions that the user performs on the app/browser :- user creation, playing a show, pausing a show, searching content etc etc.

Round 2

We are given streaming input with information in format given below -->

Input: UserID, follow/unfollow, recipeientUserID

As an output you need to get 2 kinds of information -
1. List of users I follow
2. Count of users I follow

Questions ->
a. How will you capture this information?
b. how will you store/transform the data?