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CTM System Design


CTM is just starting its journey to make use of the data that has been captured since launch.
The first data driven capability identified by the business is the automatic sorting of the insurance products returned to a customer based on their past selections and similar customer selections.

In essence we want to understand better what customers are focused on when using the site and therefore use that understanding to present their results in a manner that is more personalised.

Technical Detail

Our events in JSON format are pushed onto Kafka from a number of services, capturing all activity on the main site e.g., changes to customer personal details, when a customer has purchased insurance etc.
These events are read from Kafka and saved in an S3 bucket in a single sub directory.

Task for the Interview

Assuming that nothing else besides the above exists; come up with high-level options to build this data processing pipeline.

You can make any assumptions necessary about the platform or the data, but please state what these are and the reasons behind them.
Considering aspects such as streaming vs batch processing, testing, performance, implementation and documentation.

Please answer the following

• Whiteboard a high-level design for the solution (present in any tool, whiteboard, PPT, Miro etc.)
• Detail your thought process needed to efficiently implement the new technical solution
• For Streaming assume data is pushed to Kafka as described above, for batch assume data is on some filesystem/object store such as SFTP or S3.
• Describe the challenges that might arise regarding data quality across the platform