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HBase Components

How is data laid out in Hbase?

In traditional database, data is stored in rows and columns in a 2D data model, as shown below -

So, in traditional database we have a 2-dimensional data model, wherein each value can be associated with a ‘Id’ and column.
Eg – ‘jill’ can be associated as id=3 and column=’To’

In Hbase, we have 4-dimensional data model,
• Row Key
• Column
• Column Family
• Timestamp
Consider an example of Employee data, wherein it has below columns –
• empId
• dept
• grade
• title
• name

In above, we have 4 dimensions as shown below -
• empId as row key – as it uniquely identifies a record.
• Dept, grade, title, name and SSN – columns.
• Dept, grade and title represent one column family (work), and Name & SSN as other column family (Personal)
o Column family represents logical grouping of data.
• Timestamp
o It is represented as epoch time. Eg – for a title, a person is AVP at one epoch time, and is VP at another timestamp.
o Whole purpose of timestamp is to maintain versions.
 By default it will give you latest version.

Row Key

  • Uniquely identifies a row
  • Represented internally as a byte array
    o All data in Hbase is internally represented as Byte array.
    o There is no concept of INT, String, etc.
  • Can be primitives, structures, arrays
  • Sorted in ascending order.
    o Reason to keep keys in sorted manner is that it can use Binary Search technique to quickly retrieve data in O(longN) time.

Column Family

All rows have the same set of columns families
Each column family is stored in a separate data file
Set up at schema definition time.
Can have different columns for each row.
• For example, if we have 10000 rows and we have 10000 rows, and we have 2 column families, then each of the 10000 rows are bound to have these 2 column families. But number of columns under the column family may vary from row to row.
• For example, we have 6000 rows with 10 columns and 4000 rows with 15 columns.


Columns are units within a column family.
New columns can be added in the fly.
Syntax : ColumnFamily: ColumnName
eg- Work:Department.


Used as the version number for the values stored in a column.
The value for any version can be accessed.

Likewise, we have another example-